In Star Wars: The Episode VII: The Force Awakens, we follow the Towani family as they work to fix the family star cruiser for six months. Jeremitt puts the final touches on the ship and prepares to depart from the forest moon of Endor. Meanwhile, on the Ewok world of Caravan of Courage, a Marauder group led by Terak and Charal attacks the village of Endor. They capture many Ewoks and take their weapons with them.
The Battle of Endor is a 3D Shooter that puts players in control of an X-Wing. You will face hundreds of TIE Fighters, Star Destroyers, and Darth Vader's SSD Executor. There are six stages in this game where you'll need to survive and defeat the enemy in the process. The teddy bears that the droids carry are incredibly important to Cindel's survival, and they are the only things keeping her alive.
Star Wars The Battle of Endor is a free, online-only game. You control the direction and speed of your ship, and you can also fire weapons at enemies. The game features 3D graphics, the Death-Star of Darth Vader, and sound effects. If you like the series, you'll be happy to know that there are also games out there based on the saga. There are tons of them available for both PC and Mac, and you can even try them out on your own.